Humans Rebel in the Garden

January 24, 2021

People always ask why there's evil in the world? Why is there sin and brokenness?

The harsh reality is because we bring it in.

Sin exists in everyone of our lives. Our sin all originates from Genesis 3.

It's the first time humans disobey God.

Mature Christians realize that Eve's decision to give into temptation, is the same decision we constantly make.

When we choose sin, when we reject God's commands, don't obey him, we relive Eve's decision.

And much like in Eve's life, the consequences for us aren't good either.

When you listen to this story, rather than wondering why she did it, or what would have happened if she hadn't, see yourself in the story. That I, you, we would have made the same decision.

Let this story remind of us of how affected our lives are by sin. It's not pretty, but that's why we need a savior.