Our Vision

Telling God's story to engage and motivate his people.

Our lives are awash with stories.

  • From movies and tv.
  • To ads promising us lives of wealth and happiness.
  • Or the allure of the “American Dream”.

Everywhere we go, everywhere we look, stories are competing for our attention. Competing for our hearts and minds.

What Story Do We Know Best?

As followers of Christ, what stories should occupy our attention?

Which of these stories are we more familiar with?

  • Luke Skywalker vs. Isaiah?
  • Democrat/Republican vs. King of Heaven/Kingdom of Darkness?
  • Business Leaders vs. Spiritual Healers?

Not that some of these these stories aren't important and have lessons for us to learn, but are they the most important for us?

God's Story

As followers of Christ, the story we most identify with should be God's story.

The world tells stories of wealth, power and pleasure. While attractive, ultimately things that lead to our death.

But God's story is a story of life.

“…I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” ~ John 10:10b

God's story is about life, hope, healing, renewal, justice, making wrong things right, unity in light of our differences.

God's story transcends our and our world's short sightedness and selfishness.

What's the Vision?

We want to be a place that tells God's story! In a way that powerful and engagin!

It's starting as telling stories about scripture.

Over time, I want to tell stories about more aspects of His story. Stories of his Spirit moving, stories of how past Christians have thought and taught, and stories of Christians who have struggled and presevered trying to live out God's will.

Telling God's story well is going to be a learning journey for me.

There is so much to explore, so many stories within God's story worth telling.

God bless.

Morgan Kenyon

Telling God's story to engage and motive his people.