What Story Are You Living?

January 15, 2021

Everyday, stories compete for our attention.

They're powerful! 💪

They motivate us! 🔥

They can also lead us to places we don't want to go.

What stories should we be living in our lives?

The Power of Story

Who's ever laughed, cried or sighed after seeing a great movie? Or driven to buy something after seeing an ad?

These moments reveal the power of story to make us different people.

Stories that we hear and we're attracted to, we internalize them. They become guiding forces, we retreat into them, draw strength from them, but also use them to justify destructive thoughts and behavior.

  • I just need to find the one (even if I'm already married)
  • What I really need is …
  • I'll be happy once I …

Are You Choosing Your Story?

With the rise of smartphones, YouTube, never ending news, our lives can quickly become hijacked if we're not careful.

Just reading the news everyday manipulates you into thinking everyone is the enemy. Everything is a struggle for the future of our nation!

You need to be intentional about believing and internalizing the story you want to live out in your life.

Are You Choosing a Good Story?

On top of being intentional, you also need to choose a good story.

A lot of stories our culture tells are motivated by entertainment, money or power.

  • Ads are all about getting you to buy someone's stuff.
  • Politicians want you to vote for them so they can be in charge.
  • Movies want you to fork over money for an hour or two of feel good entertainment.

I believe these types of stories can't ultimately be satisfying.

God's Story

That begs the question, what story is worth living by?

I believe God's Story is the best way to live our lives.

God's Story isn't typical. It isn't about getting money, being entertained, grandizing yourself.

God's Story is about the cross and washing people's feet.

I'll admit, at times it's hard to really feel apart of God's story.

I can get more excited about the next Star Wars movie then really knowing how God is moving.

I think that often comes down to laziness. We're not willing to put in the work to know God's story.

That's something we have the ability to change. That's what I want to see happen.

I want to see God's story become the driving force in my life, and also in yours.

That's what this project is about, trying to tell God's story.

His story is worth hearing, worth believing, and ultimately worth giving our lives to.

God Bless.